Peter's website - random notes

Today I am going to go through the process of writing a small program which prints its own source when executed. These kinds of programs are also called quines, and I suggest that you try it out on your own if you haven't already done so, as it is a very fun little problem! So if you don't want any spoilers, please leave this page now and come back later.

First attempt

Okay, so first of let's just write a small hello world program to get things going. All our code will be in a file called quine.hs. The code for hello world looks like this

main = putStrLn "Hello world!"

When this is run using runhaskell quine.hs, it produces the output

Hello world!

Well, not quite a quine yet but we are getting something to the screen at least ;)

Second attempt

Now we get the idea that we copy the entire program's source into a string and print that string instead. To do this, the code could look something like this

main = putStrLn code
  where code = "main = putStrLn code\n  where code = ???"

Here we run into a problem, since we can't include the entire code into the string. Copying everything we can into the string just increases the size of the string itself, which means that there is now even more to copy! We start by only copying all the code upto the string and see how it looks when executed. The code is now

main = putStrLn code
  where code = "main = putStrLn code\n  where code = "

And it outputs

main = putStrLn code
  where code =

Quite good! Now if we could only include the string itself in its printed form, with the quotes and all, and not the interpreted form with \n shown as newlines.

Third attempt

After looking through the haskell standard libraries for a bit, we find a function that looks promising for what we want to do. This function is print, which prints the output using the show function instead of interpreting the string. We would want to both print it as before, and to print it using print, so we change our main to be main = putStrLn code >> print code, and update our string to include the print. The code then becomes

main = putStrLn code >> print code
  where code = "main = putStrLn code >> print code\n  where code = "

And it outputs

main = putStrLn code >> print code
  where code =
"main = putStrLn code >> print code\n  where code = "

So close! The only problem is that the putStrLn append a newline after the output, which we don't want in this case.

Final attempt

The simple fix is just to use putStrLn's little brother putStr which doesn't print that newline. The final program is then

main = putStr code >> print code
  where code = "main = putStr code >> print code\n  where code = "

And luckily it outputs exactly itself

main = putStr code >> print code
  where code = "main = putStr code >> print code\n  where code = "